Friday, November 30, 2007

You’re going where?

That old chestnut of being careful what you ask for, cuz you might just get it has rung true once again. So not long after I dumped out a pack of stinky laundry, sand and souvenirs I’m back at it again – today I’m repacking it with (mostly) clean clothes, a fresh book and a new ticket. Lucky the destination doesn’t call for winter woollies, phrasebooks or even shoes really. The Caribbean is one of those iconic regions where nearly everyone has a picture in their head of what it’s all about. A lazy palm tree, arching towards turquoise water, sand as white as virgin snow with only your own footprints scaring the soft silica. Truth is, in some places, that’s pretty accurate – other places, not so much – but you can’t have it all.
So on Tuesday, I grab my gear and head to L.A., then onwards to Miami, spend a night and then puddle jump down to Providenciales, the main centre in The Turks and Caicos Islands. I’m not there to sip mojito’s, scuba dive the third largest reef on the planet and work on my tan – well I am kinda there to do all that but the main deal is that I’m writing another guidebook for Lonely Planet. It’s a multinational affair this time – after T&C, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines and Grenada are the other ports of call. Stunning places all – it should be a fantastic journey.
As I write, I lose time to get my shit together so this post is going to have to be short and sweet – but keep tuning in, much more to come!


Thursday, November 29, 2007

More after the jump…

With web 3.0 just on the horizon it’s time to try and swim with the current and get a bit closer to the crest of the wave. With that in mind, my blog is changing a little bit. it will now be possible to subscribe to a RSS feed and easily see when there is an update to it. For those in the web-know this will be welcome news, for others I can almost see the collective head scratch. Fear not the new world isn’t that scary – all these changes will just make life easier for you. (for a great introduction to blogging, RSS feeds and so on check out Josh McCulloch’s excellent explanation from his blog ) And if all else fails you can always click on and go to the blog link – that will still get you to the right page.

With this increased ease of knowing when new postings have gone up it makes it easier for me to consolidate my blogs – so when I’m travelling you can expect to find blog postings here – rather then having to go to separate sites – easy!

You have two options to know when I have posted a new blog posting – by either by filling out the subscription box on the right hand side of this page – with that option you will be emailed updates to my blog. Or go to the bottom of the page to subscribe via RSS – or you can do both if it makes you happy! (please note that even if you have recieved email updated from me in the past, you still have to subscribe to this new automated servive)

So I look forward to blogging more on a regular basis – as there are lots of amazing adventures in the works! The Caribbean, a Wedding, a bike ride the rest of the way across America - watch this space - the adventure continues!
