Tropical storms out of season? nah, don't worry - it will never happen. Well it did. We were lucky here in the Turks - we only got brushed by the side of Tropical Storm Olga. Others in the region weren’t so lucky - in the Dominican Republic 19 people were killed, mostly from a river suddenly flooding. What we experienced here was just an insane amount of rain - all at once. Here is what I experienced, while waiting for a ride from the ferry dock i was standing in the sunshine, Then the wind changed a bit and you could feel that it was about to rain, and then all of a sudden WHAM! Go into your bathroom, step into the shower fully clothed and hit full throttle on the shower and that's exactly what it was like! crazy amounts of water all in the span of about 5 minutes. i had all of my gear with me - which got soaked. Luckily all the important (electronic and paper) bits were either in a dry bag (which was intended for sand, not rain) or buried deep within the bag - so nothing was damaged... pretty sobering though, especially to read the same storm took so many lives... Read this link for more on the story:
And have a look at this video to see what the storm felt like for me.
hee hee - reminds me of traipsing around Prague's old town in the snow or bumping through the swell in Thailand's rainy season...
Have fun (slightly ahead of writeup schedule and QTown next week - I might in touch to make sense of my notes...)
all part of the job eh!
it's a dirty job sometimes, but not all that bad at the end of the day!
good stuff mate - give me a yell if you need anything on QT, i'd be happy to help
take it easy,
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