Monday, August 11, 2008

Kickin’ it old school

This past weekend Sophie and I went on a little ski trip to a place called Lake Ohau, a couple hours north of Queenstown. We were there to ski and to help celebrate our friend Fi’s birthday. As all good parties should there was a theme – the flavour of choice was 60’s skiwear. It was great fun to hit the charity shop and sort out some cool outfits. Soph sported a sort of go-go-girl on snow number and I went traditional – wool, lots of wool. As a telemarker I decided to keep it real and go for the traditional tele outfit. Wool jumper, knickers, high socks, wool hat, scarf and wool mitts. It was great fun cruising around the mountain dressed for a good time.

What really resonates though is the skiing we did. We weren’t content to lazily cruise; the snow was good so we were going for it. We hiked above the boundary, climbed along a ridge for about an hour until we found our perfect un-tracked line. We dropped into the bowl and cut fresh tracks from the summit right to the base building. It was a great mission – but what makes me smile is that we did it in costume. It proved once again that the gear you wear doesn’t really matter. We were decked out in op-shop clothes and we ripped steep powder all day.

It’s a good reminder to myself as much as anyone, that it isn’t what you're wearing or what’s hanging in the closet, but the size of the smile on your face that really matters. Too often we get caught up in the idea that you need the best of the best to get out there and have an adventure. You don’t. sometimes the best adventures come from when you have less than what you need…


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