Friday, November 28, 2008

A thousand pictures

I travel all the time and I find myself on lots of airplanes, for hours at a time with not a whole lot to do. I also love film, so when I fly, I tuck into the films that are on offer and dig in. much of the time the choices are pretty dire, with only pop rubbish represented. My flight the other day from Hawaii back to NZ was a little different. I was lucky enough to see a film called, “Once” ( It’s the story of two struggling musicians trying to make a go of it in Dublin. The only way to accurately describe this movie would be to call it a musical. No, this isn’t Chicago, or Mama-mia (just the thought of those two movies makes me throw up a bit into my mouth). This is more like rock opera, think Tommy not South Pacific. It’s truly a touching film that I can’t recommend highly enough. What makes it so good has nothing to do with the music, the plot or the acting. What makes this film exceptional is the emotional impact of the story. I don’t want to give anything away but safe to say, I watched much of it with a lump in my throat.

The other film I want to talk about today is another emotional ride. I have nothing but the trailer to go on for this one but it looks amazing. And what makes it all the more remarkable is the subject matter – pro wrestling?!?!

There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words and a feeling is worth a thousand pictures. Art that can tap into us at an emotional level goes beyond the aesthetic and becomes greater then the sum of its parts. Lofty goals without doubt, but what we all aim for…



Anonymous said...

You know that in real life glen hansard and that chick fell in love and now tour music from Once around the world? they're coming to Melbourne, where I am, soon.

Scott Kennedy said...

really?!? - that's a cool story that adds a whole level to the film! thanks for sharing and enjoy the show - it'll be great!