Monday, October 6, 2008

Thin Air

“Aisle or window?” – it’s a question as a frequent traveller that I get all the time. Everyone has their preference – although you’d struggle to find anyone who requests the middle. Some people are die-hard aisle people; the freedom to get up whenever you want is a biggie for people. I’m a window seat man – always have been. Maybe it’s because I always get clobbered in the elbow by the drinks trolley and the person sitting inside me has to use the bathroom at the same rate as a six year old. For me it isn’t really the lesser of two evils, I really like the window. I’ve paid a lot of money to go for this ride and I want to see where I’m going. I love looking out that little porthole and seeing the world go by. I could sit there for hours (and often have) and just watch the landscape unfold below me. Here are three photos that illustrate my point – you’d never get to see these things sitting on the aisle…

Southern Alps - New Zealand

New York City - USA

Alberta Wheat Field - Canada

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